Jesus, Scripture, and Creation

Jesus, Scripture, and Creation

Movie Information

At a crucial point in his ministry, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15). Today, just as in Jesus’ day, there are various answers given by our culture concerning his identity. In addition, the very teachings of Jesus are being attacked, even in the church. Some state that because of Jesus’ human nature and cultural context, there is error in some of his teaching regarding earthly things, such as creation. This talk will look at what Scripture says about the identity of Jesus and what he believed about the nature and truthfulness of Scripture. Simon has written several articles for the Answers Research Journal and serves as general manager and primary speaker for AiG-UK. He conveys the vital importance of a committed stand on the book of Genesis and effectively calls the church back to the authority of the Word of God.
Director: Unknown